About Us

Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services, Inc. seeks to brighten the future for children through early learning opportunities. To achieve its mission, the organization will implement professional development programs for teachers and child care providers; engage in activities that enrich the lives of children; maintain and disseminate information that elevates early learning as a community resource; and develop partnerships with families, organizations, business and government to increase the availability of high quality early learning child care programs

We know that our community is depending on us to be successful so that important programs and services continue to be available. Where do we begin? Foundational, mission-driven, strategic and comprehensive planning by management staff and program leaders is ongoing. Planning ensures successful integration across all services and activities, and includes the use of a variety of data sets and program evaluation measurements. The result? Programs are strengthened, services enhanced, and resources are maximized.

Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services

Programs and Services


Head Start and Early Head Start

Comprehensive services for infants, toddlers and preschool children of families who live in poverty in Mobile, Baldwin, Clarke and Escambia counties.

Early Childhood Education Professional Development

Face-to-face workshops and training events: Online and distance learning courses for CEU credit; Quarterly newsletters; Reproducible resources for parents and Early Childhood Education Professionals.

The Resource Place

A lending library of developmentally appropriate materials, a teacher workroom and reusable resource materials.

Early Learning Literacy Initiative

Providing developmentally appropriate books and resources to children in early learning programs throughout a seven county region.

PNC Bright Beginnings

In partnership with PNC Foundation, this program uses professional development along with the distribution of learning materials and information to engage families and enrich the time parents and children spend together.

Resource and Referral Assistance

Helping parents take the guesswork out of choosing care by providing: Referrals to local child care providers. Information on state licensing requirements. Information on where to get help paying for child care.

Head Start & Early Head Start by the Numbers

Head Start Participants


Head Start & EHS Sites

Head Start & EHS Teachers

2023/2024 Professional Development by the Numbers

Participants Attending Training




2023/2024 Professional Development Information

Meet Our 2024 Board of Directors

Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services’ volunteer Board of Directors made up of educators, health care and mental health care experts, accountants, non-profit management professionals and Head Start/Early Head Start parent representation.

Annual Reports

2024 GRECS Annual Report

2023 GRECS Annual Report

2022 GRECS Annual Report

2021 GRECS Annual Report

2020 GRECS Annual Report

Contact Us!


Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services, Inc.

3101 International Drive; Building 6; Mobile, AL 36606

P.O. Box 16005; Mobile, AL 36616

Phone: 251-473-1060



Join Our Team!

Non-Discrimination Policy
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services, Inc. does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to: hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.